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Recent Reviews Rob Wilson

Khangchendzonga National Park

Rob Wilson UK - 13-Sep-24

I was privileged enough to trek to Kangchendzonga back in 2002, well before it was a WHS.

It was a genuine wilderness experience at that time - nothing like the teahouse treks you experience in Nepal.

It was a real adventure with the scariest part being an early morning trek to viewpoint in darkness. On the return journey, it became clear that we walked on slippery glacial moraine above a very long drop!

It was a truly wonderful experience and well worth the 5 stars. I do hope that the climate crisis is not completely destroying its natural beauty.

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Royal Joseon Tombs

Rob Wilson UK - 22-Jul-09

I am delighted to be the first person to review this lovely site. This is a fully deserved new addition to Korea's list.

I visited the Dongguerung site last weekend. It is a peaceful and charming place that seems to be relatively free of the tour bus hordes at the moment. The tombs can easily be reached with a subway to Cheongnyangni (line 1), then exit 5 and bus 202 (that heads away from Seoul, not the one towards!). It's about 30 minutes.

The tombs are set in a beautiful woodland park, and all seem to be aligned to different points of the compass. All the tombs are set atop large mounds. You are able to walk to the top of three of them without supervision. We were able to get up a 4th by tagging onto a guided group for a few minutes. The tombs are not grand, but are simply, elegant and charming

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Jongmyo Shrine

Rob Wilson UK - 25-Oct-08

Unlike the other posters, I don't think this place is boring at all! I really like it, and is one of my favourite places in Seoul. It is beautifully serene and peaceful (most of the time). It is also only about $1 to get it, making it one of the cheaper WHSs that I've been to. Korea has a commendable policy on entry fees.

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Rideau Canal

Rob Wilson UK - 04-Aug-08

What a wonderful surprise the canal and fortifications was! I spent a couple of happy hours exploring Fort Henry and enjoying the views over the canal. The staff at the fort also do a super job with the 'interpretive history' experience.

A worthy WHS!

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Chan Chan

Rob Wilson UK - 23-Jul-08

Another magnificent Peruvian WHS! And I get to review it first! Hurray!

Childish crowing on my part aside, this is another excellent place to visit. The entry fees are cheap and good value as well.

Chan Chan is an amazing place, and is absolutely enormous. I believe that at one time it was the biggest city on the planet, but that would need to be checked.

To be honest, much of the site is in complete ruins and is nothing more than large piles of mud. However, the Tschudi Palace is being constantly restored and gives a wonderful idea of how magnificent this city must have been.

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